New Features
- New login page
The login page was re-designed for a better user experience.
- Performance optimization
The performance of the Axonize environment was significantly improved due to changes in the streaming process. - Date format selector was added in application settings
An option to personalize the date format was added to the setting tab of the application. Setting a format in the master application will automatically change the format in all sub-applications. The Format is set by typing the Letters that present days, months, years and so on in the time format box, a full guide was added to the setting section in the documentation. - Option to show more than one chart axis
When multiple reading of different device types are selected to show on a chart, additional axis are added with the relevant label and unit.
- Auditing capabilities were added
An Audit tab was added to the users’ section logging the users’ actions. The auditing feature allows administrators and users to track system activity. The audit tracks all changes in devices, rules, applications and users, but doesn't track changes in the dashboard. The audit grid shows the following columns:
- Date and Time –the time the user preformed an action in the application.
- User – the user name.
- Application - the application the action was preformed in.
- Category –the tab in which the user preformed an action (Rules, Devices...).
- Action – the change done on the object.
- Object – the object (device, user...) the action was performed on.
- Result - if the action succeeded or has been declined.
The grid is both searchable and could be sorted easily. In the master grid the audit shows the actions of users in all sub applications.
- Circle gauge widget was added
A circle gauge widget was added to the dashboard creation. The selected reading is shown in a gauge circular form. The user can set the Green, Yellow, Red zones on the gauge.
- Arc gauge widget was added
An arc gauge widget was added to the dashboard creation. The selected reading is shown in an arched gauge form. The user can set the Green, Yellow, Red zones on the gauge.
Device Management
- Product management capabilities were added
A product details pane was added to the devices tab. the pane is a list of all product types in the application by vendor and name. By clicking a product in the list a side panel opens on the right. The panel includes two tabs – General, That present the device picture and name, and Events, that includes a log of all readings send from devices from the product type.
Bugs Fixed:
- Comparing Dates legend now include the two periods
The comparing date option in chats is now fixed and 2 time periods could be compared by costum dates. - Applications grid search field is now localized
The grid search in all sub-applications is now localized and is limited to results from the chosen sub-application only. - Rules Time tab was fixed
The rules time tab in the rule setting panel is now fixed and will save properties after the page is refreshed. - Gauge behavior was fixed
The gauge behavior was fixed and now it can contain negative ranges. - Command Title can now be translated to the chosen application language
The command title that appeared in English in all applications is now fixed and it will appear in the chosen application language. - Group diagram upload was fixed
The group diagram upload feature was fixed. A user can now upload a diagram to replace the default map for a device group. To upload a diagram, choose “group view” in the view options in the device management tab and select a group.
- Rule condition tab fixed
The rules condition tab in the rules setting panel is now fixed all devices can be selected.