New Features
- Filter added to Device List
The Device List can now be filtered by device name, device ID, product type or device property.
- Quick Search bar
A quick search bar was added, located at the upper right side of all application pages. The search tool runs on all the devices in the chosen application and its sub-applications.
To search for a device name type “dn:” a for a device ID “di:”
- Audit Tab
The Audit Tab was added to the main side navigation.
The audit can also be tracked per user in the Users Tab, once choosing a user click on the audit option. - Improved Security
We upgraded our firewall and added a WAF (Web Application Firewall) to improve the application security.
- All alarm actions are now localized
The alarm actions names are now localized and shown in the selected application language. In the image below for example, all rule actions are in German.
- Line Selection
Selecting a single cell in any of the tables in the application marks the whole line.
- Alarm time property is adjusted to application time zone
The scheduled time for the alarm activation is now adjusted to the application time zone. - Rule editing doesn’t affect the time property
Rules can now be edited and changed without interfering with the time property. - The Audit Tab is ordered by datetime
The audit tab and audit in the user panel are both automatically appear chronology. - Aggregated Readings Widget fixed
The sort option in the Aggregated Readings Widget is enabled. - Application Admin full control on alarms
The application Admin can now edit and delete all alarms as well as access all events in the application. The control over the alarms can be done through the dashboards (the General and the customized). In the General Dashboard the Application Admin can dismiss alarm or snooze for 15 min:
In the Customized Dashboard the Application Admin can snooze, clear or dismiss alarm: